Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Ramblings about the universe - 1

My polluted freaked out brain today wants to ponder about the universe. My brain really has too much time at its disposal.

After 2 minutes of intense speculation, my brain has finally come up with this analysis! Read it at your own risk! Be aware that this is high speed speculation without brakes. This is a write up directly from my brain. Totally unconnected ramblings which will start one place take a lot of left and right turns, may change roads, and end up somewhere far far away from the topic it began with. So…. Read it at your own preil.

Well, as the Bible says, God created light. I wonder why he was sitting in the dark all this while? ANd once he invented light , I wonder what he saw, coz there wasn’t anything to see. I just wonder what he was doing all by himself….. I mean surely he must have had a female companion right? Now who invented God is the million dollar question.

Anyway…. As my brain was analyzing….. (another warning again….. my brain is at full speed…cant stop) God decided to invent man, and I guess he found MAN boring so he invented WOMAN. I am sure after inventing theses two samples he must have really got bored of looking at them. They must have been doing absolutely nothing. Well he has to entertain his female companion now doesn’t he? SO he decides to make these two samples do something. He creates a world to live in. now… our science says that dinosaurs ruled the earth before man.

So………my brain wonders…… what the hell were these dinosaurs doing on earth. I mean what could be the reason for these creatures to be on earth? What kind of entertainment value to they present to GOD? Except grazing, hunting, and reproducting? May be GOD was just experimenting with earth and how he could make it better. I suppose he created the entire universe first and then got bored to detail all the planets and all the stars and all the solar systems. Or he just concentrated on our solar system. May be had created man and woman on another solar system and all the while invented dinosaurs to inhabit here, so that he could try his experiments elsewhere. Quite possibly his monumental experiments failed and he probably destroyed a few solar systems in the process.

And then, Finally, decided to perform his experiments on earth. Probably, got bored with the boring dinosaurs and decided to make them extinct…….. and introduce man and woman on this earth.

(to be continued………if my brain decides to….)

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