Monday, April 27, 2009


There is something in you, that you are ashamed of, something in you that you try to hide, something in you that you totally despise.

You move through life, going through agony, going through pain. You know you have weaknesses, but you cant allow them to be seen. You have fear, you have phobias, but you try to bury them in a closet and hope it remains there.

All the while you move about life with a false smile on your face. You create humour as a defense against your pain. You move through life hoping time will ease your pain, you move through life hoping time will reduce your pain.

But the pain remains, it remains there in your closet, showing its ugly face just when you feel free from it. Just when you feel you are about to conquer it, it comes in swooping like a mammoth, Reminding you of its existence, reminding you of its control over you.

You can see it is there, you can see it is destroying you, but you turn a blind eye, hoping to see it disappear.

But you agony continues, crippling you killing you slowly, eroding your mighty brain and heart till you become totally helpless.The agony and pain relentless, beating you, holding you a prisoner within its powerful grasp until you feel totally helpless.

What do u do my friend? Do you give up? Do u let the pain control you? Do you accept defeat and live your life in pain?

What do u do my friend? What do you do?


You challenge it.

Yes that’s it my friend... you challenge it.... you accept the existence of your fear and your pain, but you challenge it.

You look in to the eyes of the monster and you challenge it. You may lose a few times, but there will be times that you will overcome it. The sense of accomplishment and the sense of happiness you get during those times will drive you ahead so that you don’t lose hope. You keep fighting the pain; you keep fighting your insecurities until they exist no more.

When you realize your weakness, your phobia, you realize that the only way to counter it is to attack it. Unless you do that, you will always be in pain. Do your best to counter it, every time it raises its ugly head try to squash it.

Once you realize that all the problems just lie in your head, you will be able to move forward. You will be able to relax again.

You are the master of your own mind and body; you are the one who lets yourself feel the pain. You are the one who lets yourself be beaten. The power to control the monster lies within you.

Do not lose hope my friend

You are not the only one out there, there are plenty of them out there, hiding their fears in their closets. But not everyone fights, in fact very few of them ever do.

This is your life my friend, do not let the monster dictate its terms to you. It’s your right to live your life as you wish to.

SO what are you waiting for? Look at your fear straight into its eyes look at it long and hard, and sound the battle horn. You are going to fight. Fight the monster until it is dead.

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