Saturday, May 30, 2015

Rambling in the brainz 3

I am on a roll whoop dee dooo!!!!! More rambling now... WHat do I talk about?

What would it take for me to write an epic like the Game of thrones. Tons of pages of a fictional story coming out my ass even though I know nothing about anything. I have not seena  single episode of the series, but I have seen every nude scene than has featured in them Har Har!

Hmm... Lets say I make 6 prominent families in country. Lets say these country is never going to be attacked by any other country. I could make another country attack , but then it would be ridiculously complicated.


Lets fuckin begin "The six Factions" Ya let me name this story that ok.... Rambling style...I type non stop without bothering to think...lets see what turns up.

6 familiies
Family A - Abdare Family... consisting of one king and a queen, 2 sons, 2 daughters all unmarried...marriageable ages...looking toget married and lets complicate the family...say each one of the 4 wants to rule their kingdom, there is infighting bitching blah blah, lets make this one separate story... This family rarely engages with the other 5 as they have enough to do within!

Family B - Bouzaki Family
One king, two queens, each queen has a son and a daughter. All four want to rule the kingdom, but they will wait patiently for their turn, honing their skills the prove themselves in front of their king. The kingdom wants to expand.. They are sending spies everywhere... Interesting..

Family C - Chardhel Family
One King, one queen, two sons, both really brotherly, eldest to succeed the king and get onto the throne, the younger one swears to help the elder run the affairs. All cool! Yea? No.... The younger falls in love with a commoner, he revolts against the king and the brother and moves out of the kingdom into uncharted territories along with his faithful followers. He meets some nomadic tribes and binds them together to form a  formidable force, a threat... which I will use sometime later.. WIll the younger join forces will the elder, WIll he challenge his father/brother? Will he attack another family altogether? I dont know yet...

Family D -  Devgud Family
Ok Now I am tired, will edit this post later... This family will be the most powerful f all them only because .... I dont know yet.. Maybe they have tamed lions and tigers..? Will think of something, hmm..maybe they have mastered the dark arts, black magic and such, Something which gives them an advantage but not unbeatable.

Rambling in the Brainz-2

Lets see whats comes out in my second attempt.Its not like I am smart and have a bucket full of topics to talk about.

Why are we on this earth? What are we doing here? Do we have a purpose? I dont know... SHould I care? Well! If someone had found it out by now we would have all known wouldnt we? I mean is some superior being placed us here to do something, but those beings got lost in space and couldnt find their way backand the reason for our existence here got lost in translation through the ages then.... what can I do huh? What can I do? lol... seems like a decent plot for a movie...maybe be may be not...

What if say...we existed in another universe and some of us were brought to earth to start a civilization here. We were given some means of communication to communicate with our...say Main Base (MB) team, to tell them of our progress, about how rich the planet is in minerals, resources, food, water, etc, whatever. Say the MB team after sometime decided to place a marker on out plant go back to the original universe and get back more people to inhabit the earth. Say, some catastrophe happens to the MB team, they are killed, destroyed or if we decide to not kill them off, say one of the scientists make some elementary error and they lose the signal to eart and never can find them back.

Meanwhile the resident population on earth decided to explore the planet. They made chinese looking people explore china, indian looking people explore india.. caucasians explore europe, african explore africa etc...And then maybe some catastrophe befalls earth and these guys lose communication with each other ok? And then they are separated.

Their resources from their original planet get withered and lost as time progresses. Imagine ur hovercraft stops functioning because it has no more fuel. You cant communicate with the other teams as your batteries discharge. Natural calamities occur and your technologies are lost to you and you restart your life from zero. You know... with sex...bonking each other and making lots of babies and families and growing as a community.

SO all these races develop in various corners of the earth independently, they progress depending on the IQ of the team leader. The knowledge passed on generation to generation until more tragedies ruin knowledge (books etc) and we lose all link to out beginning.

Hmm... WOuld anyone make a story on this? I doubt it.. Maybe a telelvision series of sorts... "Game of Races" Whatever..

Then how would you explain aliens.?

Imagine in a a much later future from our original planet, someone finally cracks the code, finds out where earth is, finds out where the inhabitant were left behind. They come back here,  say, centuries later and then land in Roswell. Their spaceship crashes, one man manages to survive and is taken captive by the US government. This amn (alien) then proceeds to tell the AMerican a few technological advances. Then sprouts the incredible technological leaps we have witness in the past century, from atom bombs, to computers, to internet, to God knows what not is still to come.

Maybe as we progress technologically a day will come when we will be finally be able to gain the technical know how to travel in between solar systems. Then will we will be finally able to visit our origin planet.


Good typing binge this one... A nice story ahs come out of it

Rambing in the Brainz

I like typing nonsense in my blog, without bothering to edit. Why edit my thoughts? Do you? Do you dream of something and then say, No! That doesnt sound right, let me change it a little bit. Do you? No!

SO here I lie front of my pc, after spending what seems like years wasting my life wasted to no particular result. I decide, hmmm, lets keep typing fast see what my mind sputs. WIll it be gibberish, unrelated bullshit or will there be a train of thought which would make sense to anyone? I would really love to know.

This is a personal experiment to see how long I can think upon a subject without changing track or without moving a long on a tangent.

This is a blog read by no one. No one knows it exists, no one will ever know it exist, even then some randome dude, most probably some kinda software bot found this blog and posted a random comment one of my posts, I founf it quite wierd! How did it find me? My thought wander to Neo! Is Morpheus stalking me? Lol! I wish! That life sounds a hell of a lot adventurous than what my life currently is. Hmmm, where was I? Ya the random dude that landed on my blog.

I posted something about social phobia that I am going through and he replied suggesting a website I could visit. I never bothered to. In the beginning of this year I finally decided to visit a psychiatrist about it. The social Phobia! Turns out the psychologist did know what Social Phobia (SP) is...The trick he said was to find out exactly why I was feeling the way i was feeling. Breaking my fear down to emotions and words. Trying to find out the thought process that runs behind each and every emotion and though that comes to my mind when I face a social situation.

Say! I am sitting in an auditorium. Minding my own business watching a speaker speak. You know! Give a lecture on something! AT a point in time he decides to pick up random spectator and ask them questions or ask them to speak about something. Whatever! AT that  point when he decided to call up a spectator, I start getting scared... nerves tingling, heart beating wildly.. flight or fight response kicking in.. and all that.

I decide to analyse what I am thinking... more properly.. what am I fearing...

1. I am afraid he will call me out and ask to to speak.
Now is this rational?. There are say... 100 people in the crowd. What makes me so sure he will pick me out? There is a 1% chance of me getting picked.. Is it  a rational fear?

2. He will ask me to speak and I will make a fool out of myself.
What makes me think I would make a fool of myself. How many times in my life have I made a fool of myself when I was asked to speak publicly. WHy did that happen? Do I stammer? No. Do I speak English well, yea of couse, then what am I afraid of?
Well! WHat if he asks me something I dont know. WOnt I be looking stupid and embarassing myself? But why would I? AL I need to say is sorry I dont know and sit down.How would I be making a fool out of myself? WIll the speaker publicly humiliate me for not knowing what he wants to know? I dont think so. Then what am I afraid of? Ok.. Even if ..lets say... he ask me something and I do know the answer to the question. But somehow mind is not able to convert the answer into words.. or the words donot come out of my mouth the way i want it to .. But so what? Everyone goes through this one time or the other. WIll everyone remember the incident and laugh at me forever?

Man.. I am paranoid arent I?

The point to my fear is basically I imagine too much and unfortunately its all negative. SOme incident in my fast (which I totally dont remember) has caused me to be critical of myself and some kind of a perfectionist demon. Ya anything I say or type or write has to be perfect or I would not release it to the ether. I need to be dressed perfectly or I wont go out. My tummy is jutting out so I feel uncomfortanle to be around people.. WHats up with that?

I need to lighten up. Need not to push myself so bad that I cannot face people or situations. Its all very easy to say but yeah I need to try. I was scared of driving. Follwoed instructions to the tee, got irritated when others jumped signals whatever.. I used to terrified of overtaking,... driving at night, driving in narrow roads, paranoid of hitting someone... but with practise all of that totally disappeared... I am as cool as a cucumber now behind wheels.

So why cant I take this driving example and correct all my other fears? Practise.. practise... fucking practise...dull the fear...kill the fear till it no longer surfaces.

Hmm..the blog post has spiralled. I seem to have moved on a tangent. I started out with a random blog posted and ended up finding solutions for my phobia. Interesting.. Lets see what happens at my next attempt of non-stop-typing-without-stopping-to-think. WIll come up with a better phrase later....
