Saturday, May 30, 2015

Rambling in the Brainz-2

Lets see whats comes out in my second attempt.Its not like I am smart and have a bucket full of topics to talk about.

Why are we on this earth? What are we doing here? Do we have a purpose? I dont know... SHould I care? Well! If someone had found it out by now we would have all known wouldnt we? I mean is some superior being placed us here to do something, but those beings got lost in space and couldnt find their way backand the reason for our existence here got lost in translation through the ages then.... what can I do huh? What can I do? lol... seems like a decent plot for a movie...maybe be may be not...

What if say...we existed in another universe and some of us were brought to earth to start a civilization here. We were given some means of communication to communicate with our...say Main Base (MB) team, to tell them of our progress, about how rich the planet is in minerals, resources, food, water, etc, whatever. Say the MB team after sometime decided to place a marker on out plant go back to the original universe and get back more people to inhabit the earth. Say, some catastrophe happens to the MB team, they are killed, destroyed or if we decide to not kill them off, say one of the scientists make some elementary error and they lose the signal to eart and never can find them back.

Meanwhile the resident population on earth decided to explore the planet. They made chinese looking people explore china, indian looking people explore india.. caucasians explore europe, african explore africa etc...And then maybe some catastrophe befalls earth and these guys lose communication with each other ok? And then they are separated.

Their resources from their original planet get withered and lost as time progresses. Imagine ur hovercraft stops functioning because it has no more fuel. You cant communicate with the other teams as your batteries discharge. Natural calamities occur and your technologies are lost to you and you restart your life from zero. You know... with sex...bonking each other and making lots of babies and families and growing as a community.

SO all these races develop in various corners of the earth independently, they progress depending on the IQ of the team leader. The knowledge passed on generation to generation until more tragedies ruin knowledge (books etc) and we lose all link to out beginning.

Hmm... WOuld anyone make a story on this? I doubt it.. Maybe a telelvision series of sorts... "Game of Races" Whatever..

Then how would you explain aliens.?

Imagine in a a much later future from our original planet, someone finally cracks the code, finds out where earth is, finds out where the inhabitant were left behind. They come back here,  say, centuries later and then land in Roswell. Their spaceship crashes, one man manages to survive and is taken captive by the US government. This amn (alien) then proceeds to tell the AMerican a few technological advances. Then sprouts the incredible technological leaps we have witness in the past century, from atom bombs, to computers, to internet, to God knows what not is still to come.

Maybe as we progress technologically a day will come when we will be finally be able to gain the technical know how to travel in between solar systems. Then will we will be finally able to visit our origin planet.


Good typing binge this one... A nice story ahs come out of it

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